Modellbau-Infrastruktur Werkstatt Räumlichkeiten Produktentwicklung Produktdesign CAD Konstriktion Prototyping 3D Visualisierung Projekter Industrial Design Duisburg


A complete infrastructure is the basis for professional product development.



  • pre­vious models
  • ergo­no­mic models
  • test set­ups
  • Pro­to­ty­pes
  • illus­tra­ti­ve models

Kreativität entsteht in Gedanken, wird jedoch im zweidimensionalen Raum visualisiert und erst durch das Haptische zum real erfahrbaren Objekt.


The pre­mi­ses, which are struc­tu­red for the model buil­ding pro­cess, and the cor­re­spon­ding tech­ni­cal equip­ment offer the design teams opti­mal sup­port in their dai­ly crea­ti­ve work.

Unternehmen Modellbau Werkstatt Räumlichkeiten Produktentwicklung Produktdesign CAD Konstriktion Prototyping 3D Visualisierung Projekter Industrial Design Duisburg

1. Model workshop

Our cen­tral work­shop offers space and equip­ment for buil­ding models for various projects.

Everything in its place:

Die gut orga­ni­sier­te, geord­ne­te und voll­stän­dig aus­ge­stat­te­te “Hand­werk­statt” ist das Herz unse­rer Werk­stät­ten, in dem Model­le und Pro­to­ty­pen ihren Zusam­men­bau oder letz­ten Schliff erfahren.

Modellbau-Infrastruktur Industriedesign CNC Portalfraese Räumlichkeiten Produktentwicklung Produktdesign CAD Konstriktion Prototyping 3D Visualisierung Projekter Industrial Design Duisburg

2. CNC workshop

The CNC sys­tem is the cen­tral cont­act point for our model and pro­to­ty­pe con­s­truc­tion when it comes to volu­me models, ergo­no­mic and dis­play models. Dif­fe­rent ite­ra­ti­ons of indi­vi­du­al drafts can be imple­men­ted here in a short time. 

Point of contact for everyone:

Each desi­gner in our team is able to inde­pendent­ly ope­ra­te the sys­tem and sup­p­ly it with the rele­vant data.

The attachment:

Our ISEL Flat­com enables the mil­ling of various mate­ri­als such as:

  • PU foams (Uri­ol, OBO-Modulan)
  • sty­ro­foam
  • wood
  • non-ferrous metals

The con­s­truc­tion space is:

  • X=700mm
  • Y=500mm
  • Z=250mm
SLA 3D-Drucker Rapid Prototyping Räumlichkeiten Produktentwicklung Produktdesign CAD Konstriktion Prototyping 3D Visualisierung Projekter Industrial Design Duisburg

3. Rapid prototyping workshop

Modern RP pro­ces­ses are indis­pensable for tech­ni­cal com­pon­ents, func­tion­al ele­ments or pre­cise and filigree design ele­ments. We have two dif­fe­rent sys­tems for the dif­fe­rent requi­re­ments in terms of strength and precision:

SLA facility

The ste­reo­li­tho­gra­phy pro­cess is par­ti­cu­lar­ly sui­ta­ble for pro­du­cing very pre­cise and fine com­pon­ents.
Our sys­tem has a con­s­truc­tion space of:

  • X=150mm
  • Y=150mm
  • Z=170mm

FDM plant

The fuse depo­si­ti­on mode­ling method is usual­ly used to manu­fac­tu­re mecha­ni­cal­ly stressa­ble tech­ni­cal com­pon­ents. In our plant we manu­fac­tu­re parts in a space of:

  • X=270mm
  • Y=270mm
  • Z=250mm

4. 3D scanning lab

We scan your com­pon­ents for various appli­ca­ti­ons with the hig­hest pre­cis­i­on and atten­ti­on to detail with a scan reso­lu­ti­on of up to 0.05mm and a mea­su­re­ment accu­ra­cy of up to 0.04mm. 

On request, we scan your objects (if pos­si­ble) abso­lut­e­ly contact-free, quick­ly and accurately.

Depen­ding on your needs, you will recei­ve the appro­pria­te file for­mat for your fur­ther pro­ces­sing. Depen­ding on the appli­ca­ti­on, it may be neces­sa­ry to car­ry out addi­tio­nal rever­se engineering.

We come to you with our mobi­le scan­ning sys­tem if the parts are too lar­ge to be ship­ped or if they can­not be trans­por­ted for other reasons.

laser scanner

The laser scan­ner pro­jects a net­work of laser lines onto the object to be scan­ned. The laser lines are cap­tu­red by a ste­reo came­ra and con­ver­ted into a high-precision point cloud. The scan accu­ra­cy with this method is up to 0.04mm and has a mini­mum scan point distance (reso­lu­ti­on) of up to 0.05mm.


  • fast
  • high scan resolution
  • usual­ly no mat­ting spray necessary
  • abso­lut­e­ly accu­ra­te scan results
  • Black and glos­sy sur­faces can be scanned

Structured light scanners

A struc­tures light scan­ner pro­jects a light pat­tern onto the object to be scan­ned and reco­gni­zes the shape of the object using a ste­reo came­ra. The scan accu­ra­cy with this method is up to 0.05mm and has a mini­mum scan point distance (reso­lu­ti­on) of up to 0.25mm. In addi­ti­on, this sys­tem has an inte­gra­ted color came­ra to auto­ma­ti­cal­ly pro­vi­de the scan­ned objects with their ori­gi­nal texture.


  • fast
  • no mar­king points necessary
  • Tex­tu­re (color) is captured
  • usual­ly no mat­ting spray necessary
  • abso­lut­e­ly cont­act­less if necessary
Drucker Plotter DTP Labor Räumlichkeiten Produktentwicklung Produktdesign CAD Konstriktion Prototyping 3D Visualisierung Projekter Industrial Design Duisburg

5. Printing and plotting workshop

Prin­ters and plot­ters are available for crea­ting large-format pre­sen­ta­ti­ons and for visua­li­zing gra­phic ele­ments in model construction.

large format printer

We use our prin­ting work­shop for pro­fes­sio­nal pre­sen­ta­ti­ons and 1:1 representations.

Foil cutting plotter

In order to give models, pre­sen­ta­ti­ons or pro­mo­tio­nal cam­paigns the finis­hing touch, we pro­du­ce tailor-made sti­ckers and adhe­si­ve foils on our cut­ting plotter.

Fotostudio Räumlichkeiten Produktentwicklung Produktdesign CAD Konstriktion Prototyping 3D Visualisierung Projekter Industrial Design Duisburg

6. Photo Studio

Our pho­to stu­dio has pro­fes­sio­nal light­ing and flash tech­no­lo­gy for pre­sen­ta­ti­ons and for docu­men­ting pro­jects and model buil­ding results.