Drohne Quadrocopter Industriedesign

Racing quadrocopter Supersonic F4

Development of aerodynamics and design go hand in hand.

Dro­ne racing is an incre­asing­ly popu­lar sport in model air­craft con­s­truc­tion.
Equip­ped with FPV (First Per­son View) tech­no­lo­gy, the dro­ne pilot only sees what the aircraft's came­ra records. For this pur­po­se, the dro­ne is equip­ped with a came­ra at the front, and the pilot wears video glas­ses.

The air­craft are desi­gned to reach the hig­hest pos­si­ble speeds. On cour­ses desi­gned for this pur­po­se, tun­nels, cur­ves and gates repre­sent obs­ta­cles that you have to pass as quick­ly as possible.

  • Pro­jekt: Racing qua­dro­c­op­ter Super­so­nic F4
  • Leis­tun­gen: Ver­bes­se­rung von Pro­dukt­de­sign und Kon­struk­ti­on, CAD, Visualisierung
  • Jahr: 2018

As is usual in professional sports, drone racers are organized in leagues around the world. The Drone Champions League (DCL) is a professional league that hosted races in Munich in 2018.

Besser sein als andere

The Super­so­nic F4 is the stu­dy of a racing qua­dro­c­op­ter. In con­trast to ordi­na­ry dro­nes, this one has late­ral wings that gene­ra­te lift. As a result, the air­craft has signi­fi­cant­ly more engi­ne power available for pro­pul­si­on, becau­se dro­nes wit­hout wings gene­ra­te their lift only through the pro­pul­si­on of the pro­pel­ler or the engi­ne power. Adjus­ta­ble motors allow the qua­dro­c­op­ter fuse­la­ge to be til­ted in a defi­ned man­ner that is adapt­ed to the ali­gnment of the wings. Simi­lar to an air­plane, the air­craft goes into a kind of gli­ding flight. In the test flights com­ple­ted, the Super­so­nic F4 achie­ved speeds of over 100 km/h.


Our task was to ques­ti­on exis­ting solu­ti­ons and deve­lop new con­cepts. The­re were no rest­ric­tions on the posi­tio­ning and num­ber of wings, so three com­ple­te­ly dif­fe­rent designs were crea­ted in the first step. Along with various test flights, the con­cept beca­me more and more con­cre­te, until final­ly the final draft was established: 
A mid-wing with a V-shaped tailplane. 

Gestal­te­risch ori­en­tiert sich der strom­li­ni­en­för­mi­ge Ent­wurf an der Ästhe­tik von Formel-1-Fahrzeugen: Dyna­mi­sche unun­ter­bro­che­ne Lini­en­füh­rung und flie­ßen­de Über­gän­ge. Kar­bon ist der Werk­stoff im Racing-Business. Beim Super­so­nic F4 kommt er natür­lich auch zum Ein­satz: bei den Trag­flä­chen und beim Chassis. 

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