Projekter Industrial Design generatives Design Strukturen

Generative Design

Algorithmen & Design

Algo­rith­ms, para­me­ters, func­tions….
Are we still tal­king about design or did we acci­den­tal­ly end up in the advan­ced math course?

The ans­wer is: BOTH.

Find out what gene­ra­ti­ve design is, what the advan­ta­ges are and to what ext­ent it is forward-looking.

Grasshopper Canvas Green Produktentwicklung Produktdesign CAD Konstriktion Prototyping 3D Visualisierung Projekter Industrial Design Duisburg

Keep your finger on the pulse with us!

Benefit from our know-how about generative design!

Use new technologies!

Develop or optimize your innovative, award-winning product with us!

We generate a large number of variants for you in the shortest possible time.

Define parameters

The clas­sic type of design, in which an idea is imple­men­ted by the desi­gner with his ana­lo­gue means, is incre­asing­ly rece­ding into the background.

With gene­ra­ti­ve design, we use para­me­ters that we defi­ne and influence tog­e­ther with you.

We are fami­li­ar with para­me­ters in sci­en­ti­fic fields: they are nume­ri­cal values that descri­be a property.

In the design we also find para­me­ters that have to be con­side­red in the design and that defi­ne a product.

At the begin­ning of the design of a new pro­duct, we work with you to deve­lop a cata­log of requi­re­ments in which we defi­ne values.

A simp­le exam­p­le of a nume­ri­cal indi­ca­ti­on of value is the maxi­mum dimen­si­ons of a product.

With the help of para­me­tric design pro­grams like the ones we use, not only can the maxi­mum dimen­si­ons be deter­mi­ned, but the shape of a body can also be determined.

Parametric design

We design your pro­ducts in three-dimensional space. A point in this space is deter­mi­ned using the xyz values of a coor­di­na­te sys­tem and can be moved in space by chan­ging the nume­ri­cal value of the coordinates.

If two more points are added in space and con­nec­ted by lines, a sur­face is crea­ted. If ano­ther point is added and con­nec­ted to the other points, fur­ther sur­faces are crea­ted.
A body has been gene­ra­ted, defi­ned by the pre­vious­ly deter­mi­ned points. If the body does not show the desi­red shape, the points can be chan­ged later.

Grasshopper Canvas Green Produktentwicklung Produktdesign CAD Konstriktion Prototyping 3D Visualisierung Projekter Industrial Design Duisburg
Grasshopper Ebenen Produktentwicklung Produktdesign CAD Konstriktion Prototyping 3D Visualisierung Projekter Industrial Design Duisburg

Use modern technologies

With the help of func­tion­al equa­tions that build on one ano­ther, points can be arran­ged in space in a much more com­plex man­ner, which means that not only straight-line sur­faces can ari­se, but also sur­faces that span mul­ti­ple times.

Wit­hout such func­tion­al equa­tions and wit­hout modern 3D pro­grams, such as tho­se used by engi­neers, the com­pon­ents crea­ted in this way can only be rea­li­zed with gre­at effort, let alo­ne chan­ged later.

The algo­rith­ms used are based on mathe­ma­ti­cal laws and the model of natu­re.
For exam­p­le, when gene­ra­ting a par­ti­cu­lar­ly light but also sta­ble com­po­nent, forms that appear orga­nic can be crea­ted as desired.

Con­ven­tio­nal manu­fac­tu­ring pro­ces­ses, such as injec­tion mol­ding or CNC machi­ning, quick­ly reach their limits with such shapes. With the­se clas­sic pro­ces­ses, we have to com­ply with design rules that rest­rict us in fin­ding the right form.

The imple­men­ta­ti­on of the gene­ra­tively gene­ra­ted design enables us to use new addi­ti­ve manu­fac­tu­ring pro­ces­ses. It is pro­ba­b­ly the most pro­mi­sing and fas­test deve­lo­ping branch of manu­fac­tu­ring processes.

Even today, series com­pon­ents are made of pla­s­tic, cera­mic or metal using 3D printing.

Create an eye-catcher with a uniquely beautiful material surface and a fascinating pattern that skilfully plays with light and shadow!

Upgrade existing products with the generative design technique!

Refine your products!

Be unique!

Be a pioneer!

The creation of patterns and surface structures... pro­ba­b­ly the para­de disci­pli­ne of gene­ra­ti­ve design. Nobo­dy can or wants to build a geo­me­tri­cal­ly per­fect or even ran­dom sur­face struc­tu­re con­sis­ting of the smal­lest ele­ments by hand.

A simp­le body can beco­me uni­que and unmist­aka­ble with a para­me­tri­cal­ly pro­ces­sed sur­face. Once the func­tion for the desi­red pat­tern has been crea­ted, it can be appli­ed to almost all sur­faces in your pro­duct line and modi­fied as desired.

Grasshopper Pattern Produktentwicklung Produktdesign CAD Konstriktion Prototyping 3D Visualisierung Projekter Industrial Design Duisburg
Grasshopper Pattern Produktentwicklung Produktdesign CAD Konstriktion Prototyping 3D Visualisierung Projekter Industrial Design Duisburg

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