Anlagendesign Beitrag AV.ON Fertigungsoptimierung Projekter Industrial Design Duisburg

use potential

Opportunities for your competitive advantage

Design is not expensive, but a worthwhile investment.

We clear up prejudices.

The most com­mon reason com­pa­nies give for not using design as a ser­vice is: 

"Too expensive!"

A com­mon mis­con­cep­ti­on is that design will be accom­pa­nied by cos­t­ly manu­fac­tu­ring pro­ces­ses.
Espe­ci­al­ly in the B2B sec­tor, the added value offe­red by con­vin­cing design is underestimated.

Eco­no­mic suc­cess fac­tors, such as the pri­ce or the qua­li­ty of pro­ducts, are easi­ly com­pa­ra­ble in com­pe­ti­ti­on.
An advan­ta­ge always ari­ses when com­pa­nies mana­ge to stand out in the exis­ting mar­ket and con­vin­ce cus­to­mers.
Our many years of expe­ri­ence in the field of indus­tri­al design and pro­duct deve­lo­p­ment is the key to sus­tainable, con­vin­cing dif­fe­ren­tia­ti­on from the competition.

Your pro­ducts are your company's cal­ling card. In the capi­tal goods sec­tor in par­ti­cu­lar, per­for­mance pro­mi­ses and the con­vey­an­ce of values play a decisi­ve role.
Tech­ni­cal com­pe­tence, inno­va­ti­ve pro­gress but also good ergo­no­mics are fac­tors that can be easi­ly com­mu­ni­ca­ted to the out­side world through good design and ensu­re an incom­pa­ra­ble iden­ti­ty. 
We help you to visua­li­ze your com­pa­ny pro­fi­le through your pro­ducts.
Many com­pa­nies have exten­si­ve oppor­tu­ni­ties to manu­fac­tu­re their pro­ducts in their own pro­duc­tion faci­li­ties.
As desi­gners, we see par­ti­cu­lar poten­ti­al here.
We take up your indi­vi­du­al pro­duc­tion pos­si­bi­li­ties, deve­lop them fur­ther and point out com­ple­te­ly new oppor­tu­ni­ties.
Manu­fac­tu­ring methods often appear as a limi­ting fac­tor for design mea­su­res or the­re is sim­ply a lack of ide­as or know-how. But even simp­le and easi­ly imple­men­ted chan­ges in the design can make a big dif­fe­rence. So we only expand your alre­a­dy exis­ting com­pe­ten­ci­es. What emer­ges is a design that offers added value for you and your cus­to­mers.
It is important to men­ti­on that the type of pro­duc­tion does not have to chan­ge. Imple­men­ting the design in your own pro­duc­tion faci­li­ties can the­r­e­fo­re be cost-neutral and at the same time impro­ve usa­bi­li­ty, ergo­no­mics, bene­fits for cus­to­mers and the aes­the­tic effect.

Are you inte­res­ted in how you can use design as a suc­cess fac­tor?
Our artic­le pro­vi­des you with detail­ed infor­ma­ti­on on this, explai­ned using clear examples.

Economic factor design

Convince yourself with the following example:

The pro­ces­sing cen­ter from the AV.ON brand shows a con­cept for the imple­men­ta­ti­on of com­plex shapes with simp­le pro­duc­tion methods. The sys­tem com­bi­nes inno­va­ti­ve ergo­no­mics with production-optimized design.
For the imple­men­ta­ti­on of the new design, we con­cen­tra­ted on the manu­fac­tu­ring methods known in pro­duc­tion. The­se include forming, sepa­ra­ting and joi­ning tech­ni­ques such as edging, ben­ding, stam­ping, cut­ting and wel­ding.
The housing com­pon­ents con­sist of metal sheets, which con­vin­ce in their for­mal design through simp­le ben­ding in com­bi­na­ti­on with crea­ti­ve skill.

Methods for easy implementation of complex shapes

The­re are ways and means to over­co­me limi­ta­ti­ons impo­sed by manu­fac­tu­ring methods or mate­ri­als used. Fea­si­bi­li­ty and imple­men­ta­ti­on are always the focus of our work.

Anlagendesign Beitrag AV.ON Fertigungsoptimierung Projekter Industrial Design Duisburg

2-D deformation

The defi­ning sty­li­stic ele­ment of the sys­tem is a two-dimensional twis­ted sur­face that marks the tran­si­ti­on from the front to the side sur­face.
Sin­ce the sur­face is sim­ply twis­ted in 2D, a metal sheet can be brought into the desi­red shape wit­hout any forming tools.
Even from a distance, this design ele­ment acts as a descrip­ti­ve ges­tu­re. Appli­ed to all AV.ON machi­nes, it crea­tes a memo­rable and con­cise design lan­guage for the brand.

Anlagendesign Beitrag AV.ON Fertigungsoptimierung Projekter Industrial Design Duisburg

Generative Design

A com­plex, three-dimensional effect is crea­ted in the coo­ling fin area using a gene­ra­tively cal­cu­la­ted pat­tern.
The striking effect is crea­ted by sim­ply blen­ding the two-dimensionally manu­fac­tu­red slats.
Due to the chan­ged design, the manu­fac­tu­ring method and func­tion­a­li­ty of the assem­bly are not chan­ged, but exhaus­ted within the scope of their possibilities.


The size of machi­ning cen­ters defi­nes their pro­duc­ti­vi­ty.
The AV.ON sys­tem can func­tion as a sin­gle machi­ne or as a series of seve­ral ele­ments.
Thanks to the con­s­truc­tion of iden­ti­cal modu­les, it is pos­si­ble to respond to indi­vi­du­al cus­to­mer requests.
The inte­ri­or can be expan­ded as requi­red wit­hout having to make addi­tio­nal parts.
The over­all appearance of the machi­ne does not chan­ge as a result of the addi­ti­ons and the deli­be­ra­te pro­por­tio­nal division.

Ergonomics at the workplace

In addi­ti­on to a production-optimized design, the focus in the deve­lo­p­ment of the machi­ning cen­ter was on the ergo­no­mic opti­miza­ti­on of the inter­faces bet­ween man and machi­ne.

Such an opti­miza­ti­on requi­res an inten­si­ve ana­ly­ti­cal exami­na­ti­on of the user and the environment.

As a result, the fol­lo­wing fea­tures were imple­men­ted, among others:

Anlagendesign Beitrag AV.ON Fertigungsoptimierung Projekter Industrial Design Duisburg

Ambient lighting of the workplace

A suf­fi­ci­ent­ly illu­mi­na­ted work­place is neces­sa­ry to ensu­re safe working con­di­ti­ons. The self-illumination inte­gra­ted into the machi­ne also ensu­res opti­mum ope­ra­ti­on at the work­place from a safe­ty perspective.

Bedienpanel Anlagendesign Beitrag AV.ON Fertigungsoptimierung Projekter Industrial Design Duisburg

Flexibly positionable control panel

The sys­tem is pro­grammed and con­trol­led via an ope­ra­ting modu­le.
This can be opti­mal­ly posi­tio­ned for the respec­ti­ve work sce­na­rio using a gui­de rail and swi­vel axes.

Bedienpanel Anlagendesign Beitrag AV.ON Fertigungsoptimierung Projekter Industrial Design Duisburg


The con­trol panel inter­face is desi­gned with a cle­ar­ly struc­tu­red lay­out so that it can be ope­ra­ted intui­tively.
The pro­ces­sing pro­gress and a digi­tal order slip are shown on ano­ther display.

Werkzeugwagen Anlagendesign Beitrag AV.ON Fertigungsoptimierung Projekter Industrial Design Duisburg

Integrated tool trolley

It is some­ti­mes neces­sa­ry to chan­ge tools, such as mil­ling tools, for the various ope­ra­ti­ons.
A tool trol­ley offers amp­le sto­rage space for work uten­sils and, after use, finds a form-fittingly inte­gra­ted place in the machi­ning center.

The exam­p­le of the AV.ON machi­ning cen­ter shows many aspects and fac­tors, such as how a signi­fi­cant rede­sign can be imple­men­ted wit­hout chan­ging the type of pro­duc­tion, just by means of intel­li­gent adjus­t­ments to the design.
The result is an unmist­aka­ble pro­duct that speaks for its­elf and pro­vi­des the neces­sa­ry reco­gni­ti­on value in the competition.

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