Skizze Nachhaltige umweltfreundliche Wundreinigungspistole Produktdesign Medizintechnik CAD Konstruktion 3D Animation Büro für Industriedesign Germany Duisburg

What is necessary for sustainable product development?

sus­taina­bi­li­ty is the chall­enge of our time. For long-term eco­no­mic suc­cess, we can no lon­ger do wit­hout a clear focus and the inte­gra­ti­on of eco­lo­gi­cal stra­te­gies. Regu­la­to­ry inter­ven­ti­ons by govern­ment offi­ci­als and ethical-ecological purcha­sing decis­i­ons by con­su­mers and inves­tors will find their way into all are­as of the market.

With regard to design and deve­lo­p­ment, what could be the cri­te­ria or prin­ci­ples that sus­tainable design is based on?

Accor­ding to stu­dies, 80% of the envi­ron­men­tal impact and cos­ts of a pro­duct are deter­mi­ned by the design (W. Hop­fen­beck, C. Jasch: Eco-Design. Envi­ron­men­tal­ly ori­en­ted pro­duct poli­cy. Modern Indus­try, Landsberg/Lech 1995, p. 128). Sub­se­quent chan­ges to manu­fac­tu­ring loca­ti­ons, mate­ri­als or pack­a­ging and sup­p­ly chains will have far less impact if they are not plan­ned from the ground up and fixed in the design. It is the­r­e­fo­re best to start ear­ly when plan­ning a sus­tainable pro­duct strategy.

We sup­port you with our methods of sus­tainable pro­duct deve­lo­p­ment and inte­gra­te the neces­sa­ry mea­su­res and con­cepts into every stage of the design pro­cess. Trans­pa­ren­cy in deve­lo­p­ment and pro­duc­tion, docu­men­ta­ti­on of the results and a good infor­ma­ti­on poli­cy increase the cre­di­bi­li­ty of the brand.

Schaubild Nachhaltigkeit Projekter Industrial Design Duisburg

Principles for sustainable design and production

At its core, it is about intel­li­gent use of the available resour­ces for the grea­test pos­si­ble bene­fit for all actors invol­ved. The envi­ron­ment should not be unneces­s­a­ri­ly bur­den­ed and fair social con­di­ti­ons should be ensu­red. So that a secu­re eco­no­mic basis is created.

Com­mon cri­te­ria are:

  • long life cycles 
  • Eco­no­mic­al & material-appropriate use of resources
  • resource-saving, low-emission materials
  • low ener­gy con­sump­ti­on in production
  • envi­ron­men­tal­ly fri­end­ly logi­stics and sup­p­ly chains
  • waste-avoiding pro­duc­tion
  • repai­ra­bi­li­ty
  • recy­cla­bi­li­ty
  • easy dis­po­sal

Holi­stic, eco­lo­gi­cal thin­king poses many chal­lenges in ever­y­day life and can only rare­ly be imple­men­ted with the requi­re­ments for pro­ducts and ser­vices. Becau­se the various play­ers in the value chain have very dif­fe­rent prio­ri­ties and requi­re­ments. At first glan­ce, purely eco­no­mic and profit-oriented approa­ches often con­flict with envi­ron­men­tal con­side­ra­ti­ons.
In most cases, the­se appa­rent con­tra­dic­tions can be refu­ted by new solu­ti­ons. With a pre­cise and unbi­a­sed view of the pro­duct and mar­ket requi­re­ments, inno­va­ti­ve and dis­rup­ti­ve approa­ches allow new, suc­cessful paths to be taken in pro­duct deve­lo­p­ment. Eco­lo­gi­cal and eco­no­mic sus­taina­bi­li­ty are the com­mon goal.

In us you will find the right part­ner for this chal­len­ging task.
Sin­ce we have a direct influence on the design of the pro­ducts, we can have an influence right from the begin­ning of the plan­ning, through the con­cep­ti­on and design to pro­duc­tion and logi­stics. Shape, ergo­no­mics and appli­ca­ti­on con­nect tech­no­lo­gy with users. 

Use our expe­ri­ence to exploit all pos­si­ble poten­ti­als in pro­duc­tion. In the best case, we accom­pa­ny the enti­re pro­cess and keep an eye on the over­all con­cept. Reasonable, holi­sti­cal­ly thought-out pro­ducts not only make your com­pa­ny future-proof, but also make a valuable con­tri­bu­ti­on to the pre­ser­va­ti­on of living environments.

Nachhaltige umweltfreundliche Wundreinigungspistole Produktdesign Medizintechnik CAD Konstruktion 3D Animation Büro für Industriedesign Germany Duisburg

How can these criteria be implemented?

Using the exam­p­le of the Blue­La­va­ge, we explain a sus­tainable approach to our design. The pro­ject is a par­ti­cu­lar­ly suc­cessful case, as par­ti­cu­lar­ly high hygie­ne and mate­ri­al requi­re­ments in medi­cal tech­no­lo­gy make sus­tainable solu­ti­ons difficult.

Nachhaltige umweltfreundliche Wundreinigungspistole Produktdesign Medizintechnik CAD Konstruktion 3D Animation Büro für Industriedesign Germany Duisburg

The Blue­La­va­ge suc­tion and irri­ga­ti­on sys­tem for tis­sue clea­ning during sur­gi­cal pro­ce­du­res is a com­ple­te­ly new type of resource-efficient unit in the field of medi­cal tech­no­lo­gy. The sys­tem flus­hes bone and tis­sue par­tic­les, bac­te­ria and for­eign mate­ri­al out of the wound and con­ti­nuous­ly aspi­ra­tes them.

Our part­ner UTK Solu­ti­ons came to us with the idea of a pro­duct inno­va­ti­on. The pro­duct should be ret­hought so that com­pon­ents can be reu­sed and the amount of was­te gene­ra­ted is redu­ced. Around 49% of the pla­s­tic and elec­tro­nic parts to be dis­po­sed of can be saved in this way.

In Ger­ma­ny alo­ne, around 434,000 flus­hing sys­tems are used in ope­ra­ting thea­ters every year. The­se are com­ple­te­ly dis­po­sed of after use. Dis­posable pro­ducts are indis­pensable for hygie­ne reasons in the medi­cal field. Howe­ver, the annu­al con­sump­ti­on of around 334 t of pla­s­tic, 2.6 mil­li­on bat­te­ries and 434,000 motors is far too resource-intensive for this pro­duct alone.

The inno­va­ti­ve sepa­ra­ti­on of the Blue­La­va­ge into a single-use hand­pie­ce and a reusable dri­ve unit with paten­ted locking leads to a signi­fi­cant impro­ve­ment in sus­tainable pro­duc­tion and use com­pared to con­ven­tio­nal solu­ti­ons.
The neces­sa­ry ste­ri­li­ty requi­re­ments are met by a pack­a­ging con­cept with an ergo­no­mic inser­ti­on fun­nel. The fun­nel enables the dri­ve unit to be inser­ted hygie­ni­cal­ly during the ope­ra­ti­on. The motor and bat­te­ries of the wound irri­ga­ti­on sys­tem can be reu­sed up to 150 times. 

Mit Blue­La­va­ge kön­nen gegen­über ver­gleich­ba­ren Pro­duk­ten allein in Deutsch­land jähr­lich 53t Elek­tro­schrott, 164t Kunst­stoff und 2,6 Mil­lio­nen AA Bat­te­rien ein­ge­spart wer­den. Es ist kos­ten­güns­ti­ger als die Kon­kur­renz, und alle Tei­le, die wäh­rend der Ope­ra­ti­on nicht direkt mit dem Pati­en­ten in Berüh­rung kom­men, wer­den wie­der­ver­wen­det. Auch im OP-Ablauf erge­ben sich durch die hohe Bedien­si­cher­heit vie­le Vor­tei­le. Das Pro­dukt ist ein­zig­ar­tig, umwelt­freund­lich, und es gibt euro­pa­weit mit über 1,2 Mil­lio­nen Ope­ra­tio­nen unter Ein­satz sol­cher Sys­te­me einen gro­ßen Bedarf, sowie ein enor­mes Ein­spar­po­ten­ti­al beim Res­sour­cen­ver­brauch. Design, Engi­nee­ring und Pro­duk­ti­on gehen Hand in Hand in der der Ent­wick­lung von Pro­duk­ten. Immer wie­der kön­nen wir an Schnitt­stel­len der Berei­che anset­zen. So erge­ben sich Mög­lich­kei­ten Ein­fluss zu neh­men, bestehen­de Sys­te­me kri­tisch zu hin­ter­fra­gen und Ver­än­de­run­gen anzustoßen. 
Nachhaltige umweltfreundliche Wundreinigungspistole Produktdesign Medizintechnik CAD Konstruktion 3D Animation Büro für Industriedesign Germany Duisburg
Nachhaltige umweltfreundliche Wundreinigungspistole Produktdesign Medizintechnik CAD Konstruktion 3D Animation Büro für Industriedesign Germany Duisburg

The pro­duct has alre­a­dy recei­ved an award for this achie­ve­ment.
In 2019 it was with the Effi­ci­en­cy Award NRW hono­red.
In 2021 we could alre­a­dy sign up for the Final jury of the IF Design Awards to qualify.


In view of the suc­cessful results of this pro­ject, it can be said in sum­ma­ry that eco­no­my and eco­lo­gy can be com­bi­ned.
Oppor­tu­ni­ties often have to be shown first, which means that it is neces­sa­ry to net­work across disci­pli­nes and allow alter­na­ti­ve solu­ti­ons.
In us you will find a com­pe­tent, innovation-driving part­ner. Bene­fit from our inter­nal know-how, inter­di­sci­pli­na­ry net­work and, last but not least, from our moti­va­ti­on to shape pro­gress together.

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