The right packaging design for my cosmetic product

How can I customize my plastic bottles so that I address different target groups?

Drugs­to­re shel­ves are full of pla­s­tic pack­a­ging, bot­t­les, pots and jars.
The pack­a­ging design rains down on us in end­less varie­ty, but also with a cer­tain degree of uni­for­mi­ty.
At least for me as a man, it is an almost impos­si­ble task to find the pro­duct you are loo­king for. Espe­ci­al­ly when, to top it all off, the assort­ment has chan­ged and the shel­ves have been rearranged.

Verpackungsdesign Produktentwicklung Produktdesign CAD Konstriktion Prototyping 3D Visualisierung Projekter Industrial Design Duisburg

We give you an idea of what makes a really good plastic bottle.

The cos­me­tics sup­pli­er who is loo­king for the pack­a­ging with the right design for his pro­duct has a simi­lar pro­blem.
The bot­t­le cata­logs are huge. But it's hard to ima­gi­ne how your own pro­duct in such stan­dard pack­a­ging can stand out from the crowd and out­per­form the competition.

What does the plastic bottle for my individual cosmetic product have to look like?

Stan­dard bot­t­les are cheap becau­se they are used by many dif­fe­rent manu­fac­tu­r­ers. The indi­vi­dua­liza­ti­on takes place sole­ly through colour, finis­hing and labelling.

Bot­t­les that are not in the mass ran­ge can be very indi­vi­du­al and offer a very high reco­gni­ti­on value. Due to the high level of inde­pen­dence or even the exclu­si­ve pro­duc­tion, they are also signi­fi­cant­ly more expen­si­ve. For the bot­t­le manu­fac­tu­rer, they are more dif­fi­cult or impos­si­ble to cus­to­mi­ze for other pro­ducts and customers.

Shampooflasche Fotoausschnitt

Uniform product range thanks to family design

It is hel­pful to trans­fer the design to a series that takes up a lar­ge amount of space on the shelf and is thus bet­ter per­cei­ved. A lot of pack­a­ging is pre­sen­ted with dif­fe­rent con­tents and sizes as a pro­duct fami­ly at the point of sale (POS). If the fami­ly design is strong, the con­su­mer is tempt­ed to com­ple­te the pro­duct range.

The most­ly blow-moulded pla­s­tic bot­t­les can be deco­ra­ted in many ways:

  • Prin­ting
  • spray­ing
  • coa­ting
  • labe­l­ing
  • slee­ving

The­se finis­hing pro­ces­ses give the pla­s­tic pack­a­ging the desi­red look, the spe­cial finish.
The pos­si­bi­li­ties here are num­e­rous.
Screen prin­ting and digi­tal prin­ting machi­nes achie­ve impres­si­ve results. The spec­trum ran­ges from six-color prin­ting and high-gloss are­as to tac­ti­le sur­faces, reli­ef effects and struc­tures. A 360° pho­to dis­play or per­so­na­liza­ti­on of the pro­duct are also possible.

Foto Ausschnitt Shampooflasche

The shape of the pla­s­tic bot­t­le and the pro­duct infor­ma­ti­on to be appli­ed often deter­mi­ne which labe­l­ing and deco­ra­ti­on pro­cess is used.
If the enti­re sur­face of the pack­a­ging is to be gra­phi­cal­ly recor­ded, that's okay slee­ving in ques­ti­on. The body of the bot­t­le is cover­ed over a lar­ge area or even com­ple­te­ly with a prin­ted film. It offers the grea­test space for infor­ma­ti­on and is an almost shape-independent deco­ra­ti­on process.

Shampooflasche Fotoausschnitt

These are the most important factors for recognizing a plastic bottle:

  • lid shape
  • bot­t­le shape
  • Sur­face struc­tu­re, haptics
  • color
  • color divi­si­on
  • Label type, size and shape
  • typo­gra­phy
  • Gra­phic decor

Here are some examp­les of the effect of high­ly exclu­si­ve pack­a­ging design on the one hand and indi­vi­dua­li­zed stan­dard pack­a­ging for broad use on the other:

Verpackungsdesign Produktentwicklung Produktdesign CAD Konstriktion Prototyping 3D Visualisierung Projekter Industrial Design Duisburg

Extre­me­ly striking shape with a very high reco­gni­ti­on value in a noble look and emo­tio­nal shape

Adap­ting the shape of the bot­t­le to a pro­duct for the youn­ger gene­ra­ti­on by chan­ging the labe­l­ing to a full-sleeve with gra­phic ele­ments, playful typo­gra­phy and a dif­fe­rent cap

Verpackungsdesign Produktentwicklung Produktdesign CAD Konstriktion Prototyping 3D Visualisierung Projekter Industrial Design Duisburg
Verpackungsdesign Produktentwicklung Produktdesign CAD Konstriktion Prototyping 3D Visualisierung Projekter Industrial Design Duisburg

simp­ler basic shape of the con­tai­ners, mas­cu­li­ne effect through redu­ced colo­ring and clear typography

Young, fresh look thanks to slee­ving with tren­dy color gra­di­ents and a matching lid

Verpackungsdesign Produktentwicklung Produktdesign CAD Konstriktion Prototyping 3D Visualisierung Projekter Industrial Design Duisburg
Verpackungsdesign Produktentwicklung Produktdesign CAD Konstriktion Prototyping 3D Visualisierung Projekter Industrial Design Duisburg

Orga­nic look with natu­ral tones, hand­writ­ten typo­gra­phy and flo­ral decor

mas­cu­li­ne effect again through straight lines, res­trai­ned colors and sober, block-like typography

Verpackungsdesign Produktentwicklung Produktdesign CAD Konstriktion Prototyping 3D Visualisierung Projekter Industrial Design Duisburg
Verpackungsdesign Produktentwicklung Produktdesign CAD Konstriktion Prototyping 3D Visualisierung Projekter Industrial Design Duisburg

only through a color gra­di­ent slee­ving and con­trast bet­ween body and lid does the effect chan­ge to :
fresh, spor­ty, hip

Verpackungsdesign Produktentwicklung Produktdesign CAD Konstriktion Prototyping 3D Visualisierung Projekter Industrial Design Duisburg
Verpackungsdesign Produktentwicklung Produktdesign CAD Konstriktion Prototyping 3D Visualisierung Projekter Industrial Design Duisburg


Not only the qua­li­ty of a pro­duct, but abo­ve all its pack­a­ging design deci­des whe­ther your artic­le will be remem­be­red by the con­su­mer.
And also whe­ther it can be found at all on the full sales shelf.

The­re are many ways to give the indi­vi­du­al pro­duct its own pack­a­ging at the POS in order to stand out from the crowd. Even the usu­al stan­dard pack­a­ging on the mar­ket can crea­te buy­ing incen­ti­ves with spe­cial colo­ring, con­cise labe­l­ing or full-color sleeving.

Of cour­se, the best way is to have your own distinc­ti­ve and unmist­aka­ble bot­t­le design that offers the hig­hest level of reco­gni­ti­on. Due to its limi­t­ed usa­bi­li­ty for dif­fe­rent pro­ducts, this type of pack­a­ging is also the most expen­si­ve solution.

Have we made you curious? 

We would be hap­py to sup­port you in deve­lo­ping a uni­que pack­a­ging design.

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