Team 15 Jahre Jubiläum Produktentwicklung Produktdesign CAD Konstriktion Prototyping 3D Visualisierung Projekter Industrial Design Duisburg

15 years of PROJEKTER

A decade and a half of exciting projects

An occa­si­on to proud­ly look back on what has been achie­ved and to cele­bra­te yours­elf!
15 years of authen­tic indus­tri­al design, design deve­lo­p­ment and expe­ri­ence are now behind us.
Is the­re a bet­ter reason to look back and remi­nis­ce when the mot­to is always: fur­ther, fas­ter and forward?

How nice it was to be able to wel­co­me not only our fami­lies and fri­ends, but also our cus­to­mers, men­tors and com­pa­n­ions as part of our 15th anni­ver­sa­ry cele­bra­ti­on and to let time stand still for the evening. We were hap­py to meet good fri­ends from the Uni­ver­si­ty of Duisburg-Essen, as well as old Folk­wang fel­low stu­dents and pro­fes­sors, and to see many gene­ra­ti­ons gathered.

The anniversary, a great reason for an exchange, a current update

We were able to book our favo­ri­te place for lunch, the Café Arma­da, for the evening of the cele­bra­ti­on as a pri­va­te par­ty. After a star-worthy recep­ti­on of our guests over the red car­pet, a flur­ry of flash­bulbs in front of the pho­to wall and a cham­pa­gne recep­ti­on, it was time for the exclu­si­ve live music by Señor Gui­tar­ra Patrick Stein­haus ( to enjoy.

After the offi­ci­al wel­co­me of the guests and a short speech on the 15-year histo­ry of Pro­jekter Indus­tri­al Design, the anni­ver­sa­ry cake was final­ly cut and the buf­fet was ope­ned by the two mana­ging direc­tors Sébas­tien Lien­hard Phil­ip­pe Lin­gott. It was deli­cious as always! The gre­at com­mit­ment of the employees to orga­ni­ze the cele­bra­ti­on was worth it. With good food, music and fes­ti­ve deco­ra­ti­ons, the­re was ple­nty of time for ever­yo­ne to enjoy the atmo­sphe­re and chat away from ever­y­day life and make new contacts.

Team 15 Jahre Jubiläum Produktentwicklung Produktdesign CAD Konstriktion Prototyping 3D Visualisierung Projekter Industrial Design Duisburg

Sin­ce our anni­ver­sa­ry cele­bra­ti­on took place on the date of World Cli­ma­te Day, we took this as an oppor­tu­ni­ty for a spon­ta­neous fund­rai­sing cam­paign.

As part of this fund­rai­ser, Pro­jekter Indus­tri­al Design was able to plant 127 trees with the help of the anni­ver­sa­ry guests!

WOW! Thanks to all supporters!

We also gave gifts to our guests.
They had the plea­su­re of being able to take home a bird fee­der sta­ti­on desi­gned by us as a kit.

Always being able to fol­low the his­to­ri­cal review in pic­tures on the big screen sti­mu­la­ted many con­ver­sa­ti­ons and gave our guests some inti­ma­te insights behind the scenes.

It was nice to go back and see how we've evol­ved. 
It was also nice to remem­ber how small and basic ever­y­thing star­ted, how we found gre­at design results ear­ly on with simp­le means and good employees. 
It makes us proud to see how far we have come and how we have “grown” as an indus­tri­al design ser­vice provider.

In the year 2004 the foun­ding of Pro­jekter Indus­tri­al Design in Essen: two peo­p­le sit­ting at the kit­chen table, initi­al­ly just Sébas­tien and Phil­ip­pe with pen and paper in hand.

In the year 2005 new pre­mi­ses were added at Dell­platz in Duis­burg with four work­sta­tions and the first CNC mil­ling machine.

Then, in the year 2008, a move to the spring wall at the inner har­bor was unavo­ida­ble due to lack of space. 
A hap­py coin­ci­dence, a fri­end moving out, made this pos­si­ble for us. 
More space, new employees, more capa­ci­ty, new cus­to­mers, the first 3D prin­ter was purcha­sed. 
A gre­at suc­cess sto­ry took its cour­se and we work­ed dili­gent­ly to expand it.

So came a year 2016 new pre­mi­ses and an enti­re flo­or. 
We expan­ded our work­shops and our scope for action with new devices. A new 3D prin­ter impro­ved our mode­ling per­for­mance and beca­me a well-used tool for quick form test­ing and func­tion­al pro­to­ty­p­ing. Our now expan­ded mee­ting area is not only for appoint­ments with our cus­to­mers and part­ners. 
The spa­cious rooms offer ple­nty of space for mee­tings in lar­ge groups and sin­ce 2018 for our expert work­shops, which are very popu­lar with our customers. 

The spa­cious rooms in the base­ment enab­led us to also accom­mo­da­te lar­ge pro­duct samples. With the latest pos­si­bi­li­ties and the exper­ti­se gathe­red over the years, new cus­to­mers, part­ners and diver­se pro­jects were con­stant­ly being added.

We are hap­py that it keeps going. Our anni­ver­sa­ry cele­bra­ti­on was good con­fir­ma­ti­on that we are pro­gres­si­ve­ly net­wor­king and expan­ding the acti­ve exch­an­ge bet­ween us and our part­ners from indus­try and rese­arch. We attach gre­at importance to cul­ti­vat­ing and main­tai­ning this with work­shops and fac­to­ry visits.

This is how we main­tain our high level of inno­va­ti­on poten­ti­al and enthu­si­asm for development.

Many thanks to our num­e­rous cus­to­mers, part­ners and com­pa­n­ions. We are loo­king for­ward to the next few years and look to the future tog­e­ther with posi­ti­ve expectations.

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