Vogelfutterstation Farbvariationen Projekter Industriedesign Duisburg

beep! - The bird feeder

simple - sustainable - beautiful

With a view to the essen­ti­als and a pack size that is as com­pact as pos­si­ble, with the bird fee­der "Piep!" we have not only desi­gned a fee­ding sta­ti­on for birds, but also a tim­e­l­ess and high-quality design ele­ment for the gar­den, ter­race or bal­c­o­ny, which makes an important con­tri­bu­ti­on to reduc­tion with mini­mal effort the shorta­ge of food for small birds.

Vogelfutterstation Bauteile gefächert Projekter Industriedesign Duisburg

The simple plug connection saves material and time.

Birds can have a weatherproof feeding station in less than five minutes.

  • com­pact design
  • simp­le plug-in principle
  • sus­tainable packaging
  • many cus­to­miza­ti­on options
Vogelfutterstation Verpackung Maße Projekter Industriedesign Duisburg

The smart solution against species extinction

The com­pact size of the 15cm cube means that small birds such as tits and fin­ches are the main tar­get group.
They, too, are suf­fe­ring from the con­stant expan­si­on of field are­as and the resul­ting dis­ap­pearing habitat.

Sin­ce the turn of the mill­en­ni­um, the num­ber of all bird bree­ding pairs in Ger­ma­ny has plum­me­ted.
One of the reasons is some­ti­mes con­side­red to be insect death due to the use of pesti­ci­des, which means that an important pro­te­in source is miss­ing.
In con­trast to fre­quent­ly occur­ring bird spe­ci­es, rare bird spe­ci­es are now expe­ri­en­cing an ups­wing in Ger­ma­ny due to increased spe­ci­es pro­tec­tion measures.

With "Piep!" we offer you a simp­le, com­pact, dura­ble and at the same time deco­ra­ti­ve solu­ti­on with which you can easi­ly make a con­tri­bu­ti­on so that tits, fin­ches and Co. do not fall under the rare spe­ci­es in the future.

Vogelfutterstation Inhalt Projekter Industriedesign Duisburg

Plug connection - quick and easy

All nine parts can be put tog­e­ther in just a few steps wit­hout using any tools.

The 1mm thin sheet alu­mi­num pla­tes are very light and wea­ther­pro­of at the same time, which is why the bird fee­der is ide­al for out­door use.

The hop­per holds a total of about 500g grain feed.
A lasered let­te­ring on the base pla­te also ser­ves as drai­na­ge, in order to divert any rain­wa­ter that may have pene­tra­ted from the grain lining.

The included 1m long Vel­cro allows easy and at the same time fle­xi­ble posi­tio­ning on the tree or ano­ther han­ging device. Depen­ding on your pre­fe­rence, "Piep!" can of cour­se also be pla­ced wit­hout a strap, for exam­p­le out­side on the windowsill.

Vogelfutterstation Farbvariationen Projekter Industriedesign Duisburg

Customizable and sustainable packaging

The extre­me­ly redu­ced pack­ing volu­me of a trans­pa­rent enve­lo­pe of just 16 x 16 x 0.7 cm offers not only mate­ri­al and cost savings but also a lar­ge pool of cus­to­miza­ti­on opti­ons.
For exam­p­le, the enve­lo­pes can also be prin­ted or glued indi­vi­du­al­ly and cost-effectively.

Indi­vi­du­al mil­lings on the sheet metal side walls, which are also available anodi­sed on request, would also be con­ceiva­ble. The­re are no limits to customization.

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