Paddel Sportgerätedesign CAD Konstruktion Büro für Industrial Design in Deutschland

German men's kayak foursome wins gold at the 2021 Olympics in Tokyo

Two of the four paddles were developed by PROJEKTER INDUSTRIAL DESIGN

At the end of the Olym­pic canoe com­pe­ti­ti­ons, the Ger­man kay­ak four­so­me won the gold medal. Max Rend­schmidt, Ronald Rau­he, Tom Lieb­scher and Max Lem­ke nar­row­ly beat Spain in an exci­ting final and won the tenth Olym­pic vic­to­ry for the Ger­man team in Tokyo.

We have been imple­men­ting the new padd­le models for the tra­di­tio­nal Ger­man brand Lett­mann from Moers sin­ce 2013.

The Lett­mann com­pa­ny has been a lea­der in the deve­lo­p­ment of cano­e­ing padd­les for over 50 years. Many Olym­pic vic­to­ries and world cham­pi­on­ship titles can be tra­ced back to the advan­ced and inno­va­ti­ve padd­le concepts.

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